Welcome to the public consultation website for the proposed development of a new primary school and nursery unit for Forge Integrated Primary School.
The Education Authority is in the process of developing plans to build a replacement primary and nursery school unit for Forge Integrated Primary School at the site of the former Knockbreda High School, 43 Upper Knockbreda Road, Belfast. The new development is intended to replace Forge Integrated Primary School’s existing school buildings at Carolan Road, Belfast with a modern and purpose-built facility.
This website gives you the opportunity to view the proposed plans for the new Forge Integrated Primary School development, and to leave comments or feedback on the draft design proposals. The Education Authority would encourage all those with an interest in the proposal to leave their feedback below. Contact details of all respondents will be held confidentially and in line with GDPR regulations.
This consultation website is provided in addition to an in-person consultation event that will take place at Bradford Court (Lisburn & Castlereagh Council Offices), Upper Galwally, Belfast on Thursday 9 May 2024, between 4pm and 8pm.

What is Currently Proposed?
The proposed development will see the redevelopment of the now vacant former Knockbreda High School site with a new school facility for Forge Integrated Primary School. In addition to the main primary school building the proposal will include the development of a new nursery unit, hard and soft play areas, landscaping, car parking, internal drop-off areas and new access arrangements onto the A55 Knockbreda Road via a new signalised junction. Detailed drawings are provided below.
Your Feedback
Any comments made will be taken on board by the design team in determining the final layout that will be submitted to Belfast City Council in the form of a planning application. Please take time to leave your feedback using the form below.
What Happens Next?
This website will remain live until 30 May 2024 and any comments received up to that point in time will be considered by the design team in determining the final design. Once all of the feedback has been considered and any necessary changes made, the design team will proceed to submit a planning application. It is currently anticipated that the application will be made in mid-2024, although this is subject to change.
It is important to note that any feedback provided on this website is a representation to the applicant (the Education Authority), and not to the planning department in Belfast City Council directly. If a planning application is subsequently submitted, normal neighbour notification and publicity will be undertaken and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposal at that time.
If you have any difficulty accessing the information on this website, require paper copies of the presentation or feedback form, or would like to discuss the proposal further please contact Damien McLoughlin at Resolve Planning:
Email: damien@resolveplanning.com Telephone: 028 9590 2816